Create Custom Templates or Personalize Pre-Designed Templates and Kits
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Create a free account to begin designing email templates and exploring all the features we offer. Our FREE subscription plan is available indefinitely, or you can upgrade to a premium plan at any time for additional benefits. No credit card needed.
Yes, your subscription will automatically renew at the start of each billing period unless you cancel it
You can cancel your subscription at any time through the Billing menu. Simply click the "delete" icon in the Active Subscriptions table. Once you cancel, you'll continue to have access to your current plan until the end of the paid period. After that, your account will automatically downgrade to the FREE plan, and no further charges will be made. All your previously created templates and emails will remain saved in your workspace even after your subscription is canceled.
Our support team is available during European working hours, from 8:30 AM to midnight (UTC+3), Monday through Friday
The FREE subscription plan is unlimited. Feel free to use your free account as long as it fulfills your needs
You can pay using any major credit card or PayPal. For annual subscriptions, bank transfers are also an option.
You can upgrade by selecting any pricing plan in your account or by contacting our support team at [email protected]
You can receive a full refund within 30 days of payment if you haven't used MailUi (e.g., no email template creation, exports, or test emails sent). Contact us to initiate the refund process.
You can add and manage users in your account by granting them permissions to view or edit. This feature is included with the Basic plan (+2 users), Professional plan (+9 users), or Enterprise plan (+99 users). If you need to add more than the included users, you can add up to 100 additional users to your account for $4 per person per month. Please ensure that the users you want to add are registered with
Absolutely! We're constantly expanding our block library and would love to hear your ideas for new additions.
you can export an unlimited number of emails, accommodating all your needs.
At, we are committed to protecting your data. Our comprehensive security measures are designed to keep your information safe.
Thank you for making the option to export to raw HTML and not just React components!
I will say that components might be the wrong word - these are fully baked page layouts, which are great time-savers. The actual content and functionality looks pretty good!
I think that your project is amazing, thank you. Will definitely use it!
This looks great, and the editor is nice and snappy.
I find this app and its concept amazing!
Great work! It's visually stunning and incredibly easy to navigate