API Authentication Guide

Welcome to the MailUI API authentication guide. This document will help you authenticate and interact with our API using Basic Authentication with an API Key and Signature.

Authentication Overview #

We use Basic Authentication for secure access to our API.
You’ll need the following credentials:
  • API Key: Acts as your username.
  • Signature: Acts as your password..
These credentials are provided when you create a project in your account dashboard.

Basic Authentication Manual Token Guide #

  • Format for Basic Auth: username:password APIKey:Signature
  • For example, if consider API Key is "12345" and my Signature is "xyz"
  • Use this value to the format "12345:xyz"
  • Then make BASE64 encode the string
  • Output should like this: "MTIzNDU6eHl6"

Making an API Request #

Using cURL #

curl -X GET "https://api.mailui.co/v1/templates/black-friday-email-campaign-template" \ -H "Accept: application/json" \ -u "your_api_key:your_signature"
  • -X GET: HTTP method (GET in this case).
  • -H "Accept: application/json": Specifies JSON as the response format.
  • -u "your_api_key:your_signature": Provides Basic Auth credentials.

Security Best Practices #

We use Basic Authentication for secure access to our API.
You’ll need the following credentials:
  1. Always use HTTPS when making API requests.
  2. Keep your API Key and Signature secure.
  3. Avoid sharing your credentials publicly.

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