features: {
preview: true,
imageEditor: {
enabled: true,
userUploads: {
enabled: true,
customImageLibrary: {
enabled: false,
stockImages: {
enabled: true,
safeSearch: true,
stockBlocks: {
enabled: true,
safeFilter: true,
saveToBlock: {
enabled: true,
undoRedo: true,
textEditor: {
spellChecker: true,
cleanPaste: false,
inlineFontControls: true,
inlineColorControls: true,
sendTestEmail: true,
aiGenerative: {
enabled: true,
magicHeading: true,
magicText: true,
magicButton: true,
additionalMagicArea: true,
displayCondition: {
enabled: false,
features: {
preview: false
// Show the preview
// Hide the preview
mailui.addEventListener("preview:changed", function (data: { preview: boolean }) {
// Save the changes
provides a drag-and-drop upload option along with a list of uploaded files.mailui.init({
features: {
userUploads: {
enabled: true,
authAlert: false,
mailui.registerProvider("userUploads", async (params: { page: number, perPage: number }, done: Function) => {
var page = || 1;
var lastPage = 5;
var perPage = params.perPage || 20;
var total = 100;
console.log("params", params);
* Load images for page X from your server here...
const images: any[] = [];
done(images, {page, lastPage, perPage, total});
field true
or false
. mailui.init({
features: {
customImageLibrary: {
enabled: true,
features: {
stockImages: {
enabled: true,
safeSearch: true,
features: {
stockBlocks: {
enabled: true,
safeFilter: true,
features: {
saveToBlock: {
enabled: true,
features: {
undoRedo: false
// Undo last action
// Redo last action
// Any action in queue to undo?
// Any action in queue to redo?
textEditor: {
// Enables spell-checking functionality within the text editor.
// When set to `true`, the text editor will automatically highlight
// any misspelled words, providing real-time spell-check assistance to users.
spellChecker: true,
// Controls the behavior for pasting content in the text editor.
// If `cleanPaste` is set to `true`, the editor will strip out
// any external formatting (e.g., fonts, colors, and styles) from
// pasted content, converting it to plain text. When `false`,
// pasted content will retain its original formatting.
cleanPaste: false,
// Enables inline font controls directly in the text editor,
// allowing users to change font family, font size
inlineFontControls: true,
// Activates inline color controls within the text editor. When
// `true`, users can change font color and background color for text
// directly in the editor. This option is useful for allowing quick
// and customizable color styling.
inlineColorControls: true,
features: {
smartLinks: true
options configure AI-powered content generation for different content types in the editor, providing users with intelligent suggestions.mailui.init({
aiGenerative: {
// Enables or disables AI generative features within the editor.
// If `enabled` is set to `true`, AI-driven content generation
// options like Magic Heading, Magic Text, and Magic Button
// will be available to users.
enabled: true,
// Activates AI assistance specifically for headings.
// When `magicHeading` is set to `true`, users can use AI
// to automatically generate or suggest heading content,
// making it easier to quickly create engaging titles.
magicHeading: true,
// Enables AI content generation for standard text fields.
// Setting `magicText` to `true` allows the AI to suggest
// or auto-generate body content, helping users create
// paragraphs or other text areas with AI-generated ideas.
magicText: true,
// Enables AI functionality for button text.
// When `magicButton` is `true`, AI suggestions for button
// labels will be provided, offering creative ideas for calls
// to action or other button-related text based on context.
magicButton: true,
// Allows AI generative features for additional customizable
// areas within the editor beyond standard text fields,
// headings, and buttons. If `additionalMagicArea` is set to `true`,
// AI content suggestions can be applied to other specified fields
// or sections in the editor.
additionalMagicArea: true,
features: {
displayCondition: {
enabled: false,